Economic and Business Development: Who We Are
Charge: Identify and implement systemic strategies that will increase the utilization of marginalized groups and women-owned businesses through state contracting and other support mechanisms.
Subcommittee Members
Chair, Elmer Moore Jr.
Javier Acebedo-Baez
Emilie Amundson
| Percy Brown Jr.
Que El-Amin
| Dan Hereth
Ruben Hopkins
Amy Pechacek
Economic and Business Development: Strategic Plan 2022
Guiding Statement: “To identify public policy and process improvement changes that will promote equity, eliminating longstanding barriers, and ensure the success of minority and women business owners in the State of Wisconsin."
Goals | Strategies |
- Educate targeted populations (e.g., minority and women owned businesses) within the State around procurement and contracting processes.
| - Develop/enhance training programs, implementation strategy, and metrics for on-going success for early and effective engagement with diverse businesses at all levels.
- Increase workshops for procurement applications, grants, and entrepreneurship.
- Increase the utilization of minority and women owned businesses.
| - Identify trainings, policies and civil rights laws and measures that undergird and inform our strategies.
- Develop diversity foundational training program with agency stakeholders and subject matter experts on the value of market research and best practices, including purchasers, program contract managers and end users who will best effect change across any government, public, and/or private agency.
- Provide mechanisms for minority and women owned businesses to access and engage in the procurement process effectively and more readily, facilitating transparency of the process and enabling that process to work for targeted minorities and women.
| - Proactively identity contacting and procurement needs in state contracts and regularly and thoughtfully ensure upfront, proactive diverse business engagement.
- Engage Market Place and other State vendors and agencies and strategically encourage them to work with minoritized populations for equitable distribution of business and funding opportunities.
| - Require/strongly encourage inclusion plans for contracts estimated over $500K.
- Promote/require inclusion plans in goods and services contracts.